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Catch Up with Old Friends


PUTT PUTT is a fun loving, adventurous convertible car who enjoys traveling to new places, meeting new people and trying out new things. Putt-Putt is helpful and cheerful and makes friends easily. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help others, even if it takes him to unfamiliar places and confronts him with unfamiliar tasks. Putt-Putt is a model citizen in his home realm of Cartown, someone who models good behavior, curiosity and helpfulness that is important for younger audiences.


PEP is Putt-Putt’s dog. Putt-Putt found Pep in a dark cave as a scared little puppy and saved him. After that they became best, inseperable friends.


FREDDI FISH is a benevolent fish who cares deeply about her fellow ocean dwellers and never says “no” to a friend or aquatic animal in need. She has a strong curiosity and is always ready to solve a mystery, when it presents itself, with a smile. She’s an undersea detective who often changes the minds of the crooks she catches with a quick lecture on the morals of wrongdoing. Freddi solves most of her mysteries with the help of her quirky best friend, Luther.


LUTHER is Freddi’s sidekick. He’s clumsy and always quick with a (sometimes bad) joke, but he has a good heart and wants just as badly as Freddi to solve the mysteries of the day and help their fellow fish.


PAJAMA SAM is a plucky, naive six-year-old pajama clad boy with an overactive imagination and a big heart. His adventures seem to take place in his imagination, as he travels through portals around his home to bizarre lands filled with whimsical characters. Sam has a tendency to be impatient, and to rush into situations without paying attention first. Yet he is always friendly and goes out of his way to be nice - even to enemies. Sam has a tendency to befriend inanimate objects on his travels that in turn assist him. Aided by his trusty Illuminator Mark 5 Jr (his flashlight) Pajama Sam is a character kids of all ages will enjoy, laugh at and learn from.


SPY FOX likes to think of himself as a suave and debonair top secret agent, and sometimes he is, but other times he can be arrogant, clueless and bumbling. Still, when push comes to shove SPY Fox is ultimately clever, resourceful and talented, and can be counted on to outwit the henchmen and solve the puzzles placed in his way by his nemeses. But even a cunning fox needs help sometimes, so Mobile Command Center provides SPY Fox with gadgets that are invaluable in his pursuit of taking down villains bent on world domination, impossible riches, and really good cheese.


During the 1990s Humongous created the lavish and imaginative worlds of Putt Putt, Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam, Spy Fox and Fatty Bear (as well as Ben, Becky, and Buzzy) populating them with hundreds of uniquely silly, adorable, ironic, clever and sometimes weird characters in the course of producing 20 full adventure games.

Here are just a few of our favorite Humongous characters...

Humongous artists used animation paper and steel pegbars to create endearing illusion of life and to scratch in places their comically short arms could not reach.


Humongous Entertainment is not in any manner affiliated with the Putt-Putt® Golf Courses of America Inc.. Humongous Entertainment, Humongous Entertainment logo, Pajama Sam®, Freddi Fish®, and Spy Fox® are registered trademarks of Billion Soft (Hong Kong) Limited. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.  Published by Tommo Inc. ©2023 Tommo Inc.  All rights reserved

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