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Pajama Sam is back!

Sam’s spent one too many evenings cowering under the couch, so he sets out to conquer his fear of thunderstorms. It’s amazing what he finds high above the clouds. 

Game Features:

  • Play again and again. New puzzles, new friends and new challenges await each time you play!

  • Click points reveal hundreds and hundreds of hidden surprises!

  • Special games and activities encourage creativity, help teach spatial-relations and sharpen problem-solving skills.

  • Out of time? Save the game and finish it later.

Get Yours on Mobile

Mobile versions optimized for touchscreens!

You can download
Pajama Sam 2 Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening
directly from the App Store on your Device

...or click the corresponding button below!

Humongous artists used animation paper and steel pegbars to create endearing illusion of life and to scratch in places their comically short arms could not reach.


Humongous Entertainment is not in any manner affiliated with the Putt-Putt® Golf Courses of America Inc.. Humongous Entertainment, Humongous Entertainment logo, Pajama Sam®, Freddi Fish®, and Spy Fox® are registered trademarks of Billion Soft (Hong Kong) Limited. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.  Published by Tommo Inc. ©2023 Tommo Inc.  All rights reserved

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