Where can I buy the Backyard Sports or Blue’s Clues games?
As a new company started in 2014, Humongous Entertainment is not affiliated with the original studio and does not publish the Backyard Sports or Blue’s Clues titles. As of this writing (3/3/22) the majority of the Backyard Sports and Blue's Clues games appear to be out of print.
Issues with Humongous CD purchases or requests for replacement
The physical games were published a number of years ago by a different company. As we only publish digital content, we unfortunately can’t provide customer support for these products.
My mobile game fails to open
You may have an older version of the game installed. Please visit your mobile platform’s store to check that you have the most up to date version of the app installed.
Sound is not working
There are three different reasons your iOS device may not make sound:
Headphone mute
First, check the headphones to make sure they are not accidentally muted.
Software mute
Press the Home button twice to make a panel appear at the bottom of the screen. Swipe the panel to the right and you should see a speaker icon. This icon should not have a bar through it.
Hardware mute
Finally, check the hardware mute button, located on the side of the device, and make sure the device is unmuted.
PC Sound Issue
According to our support team, the issue seems to be audio driver-related. A first test would be to change the audio output device or plugging in headphones (sometimes audio issues happen because there is no output device plugged in).
Found a bug in one of your games.
Please send us the name of the game, the device it is being played on, and a list of the steps required to make the bug happen. We will forward this information on to our development team for careful review. Your satisfaction with our software is extremely important to us, so thank you for taking the time to help make our products better.
How do I submit a Refund Requests?
We apologize for any trouble you have experienced with our software. Unfortunately, this is not an issue we can resolve directly as refunds come from your provider if you purchased the product on Steam or the Apple App Store.
Please contact them directly. If your purchase is from Google Play and you cannot process a refund request, please use our customer support form and fill out all the required information. Upon receipt we will review request and contact you.
Are you making any new games?
We currently don’t have any information about games in development, please sign up for our newsletter at www.humongous.com and you’ll be first to know about new products, promotions and sales.
What happened to the iOS lite version?
As of the most recent iOS update, the lite versions of our Humongous games are no longer compliant with Apple App Store requirements and they are not currently available for download.
Will HE games play on Windows 10
As of June 2019, most HE games are Windows 10 compliant. The two exceptions are Pajama Sam 4: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff and Putt-Putt: Pep’s Birthday Surprise.
The version on iTunes is now different from the one I purchased.
Humongous Entertainment re-released Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo and Freddi Fish and the Stolen Shell. These versions are identical to the ones you may have purchased from Atari. Although the older versions are no longer available on iTunes, they should still be available via iCloud.
Is Freddi Fish a boy or a girl?
Freddi Fish is a girl. Her little green friend, Luther, is a boy.
Graphical corruption after completing the game
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell and other Humongous Games.
Description: Some games, when hitting “STOP” (or the equivalent) and immediately coming back to the game (by hitting the PLAY button in the launcher), will cause graphics to be corrupted.
Workaround: Since the game is completed, users should go to the OPTIONS menu and select RESET STORY to start over. This should resolve any graphical issues.
Missing dashboard when reloading (continuing from a saved game)
Putt-Putt: Enters the Race
Description: When continuing a game (i.e. reopening the application after it was closed), the dashboard and/or background in some scenes may be missing initially.
Workaround: Glitches go away as soon as the user changes room.
When going back to the launcher using the “QUIT” or “STOP SIGN” icon, the game may have lost the last few seconds of progress
Pajama Sam and Spy Fox games
Description: The STOP SIGN button is really “quit”. The game auto saves at regular intervals based on time so some progress may be lost if you quit.
Workaround: The lost progress is never more than a few seconds, since the previous autosave.
Missing background when reloading (continuing from a saved game)
Freddi Fish 5: The Creature of the Coral Cave
Description: When continuing a game (i.e. reopening the application after it was closed), the background in some scenes may be missing initially.
Workaround: Glitches go away as soon as the user changes room.
Game may appear unresponsive during some animations and/or organ playback
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
Description: The organ playback and some “background animations” triggered by the player may cause the game to feel unresponsive to the player.
Workaround: Waiting a few seconds will restore user input.
Mini-game mentions mouse controls, but are unavailable on mobile
Spy Fox 3: Operation Ozone
Saved games may be incompatible between languages
Description: Saved games made in one language may not be visible when the language is changed or may cause the game to crash when used in a different language.
Workaround: This is known issue, no workaround currently available
Saved games may be incompatible between different OS versions
Description: Saved games made in one OS may not be visible when used in a different OS or may cause the game to crash when used in a different OS.
Workaround: This is known issue, no workaround currently available
Runtime Assertion Error
Description: Games will crash on startup
when there are no audio devices connected.
Workaround: Connect an audio device
(Headphones, Speakers, or through your
HDMI monitor) or set up your computer
to play sound through its internal speakers
and the game should launch normally.
Issues on All Platforms
Known Issues with Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When it’s Dark Outside
Description: When you go to the kitchen in the House of Darkness and you play the salt and pepper animation more than 3x it gets stuck in a loop bug and you do not get control back.
You will have to force quit the game, then start the game all over again.
Known Issues with Spy Fox 3 “Operation Ozone”
German(DE) language is not supported.
Known Issues with Freddi Fish 4: The case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Luther and Freddi’s lip-syncs get mixed up at the end.
There are no subtitles for the Russian language version.